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MacNet: Mac Security Best Practices

| 2:00pm to 3:30pm Sansom West's Bits and Pieces, Room 306

Bob Desilets  and Sam Jenkins will discuss the built-in tools Apple's created for network and host-based defense, as well as techniques and third-party tools that system owners can employ to further harden their Macs.

They are looking forward to participation and feedback from the meeting attendees. To give you an idea of they have planned, here are some of the topics they will be covering:


· Lessons learned from Mac security incidents

 · Use of MacOSX's built-in security controls. (Gateway, Xprotect, ipfilter/PF Firewall, firmware passwords, etc.)

 · Additional "hardening" controls and techniques (third-party WDE, PF firewall front-ends, IDSes, antivirus)