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FindTime (aka Find a Time, Poll for a Time to Meet, New Meeting Poll, etc.)


FindTime is an O365 add-in that polls potential meeting attendees for the best time to meet (similar to Doodle polls). It looks at free/busy data, and creates a poll. Attendees can vote on suggested meeting times, and suggest new meeting times. A meeting is automatically generated based on participants' responses.

FindTime in PennO365

ISC's testing indicates results will vary, especially if any meeting attendees are on external mail and calendaring systems. FindTime is not recommended for general use at this time.

Support statement

ISC's support of FindTime is limited to issues that may be caused by a problem within the PennO365 environment. ISC will provide general usage guidance and assistance to IT support staff in schools and centers on a "best effort" basis.
End users in schools and centers should contact the IT support group within their organization for assistance with FindTime. For contact information of various groups, please see the IT Support Staff directory.

Technical information

How to install and configure FindTime

•    Enable the add-in via Outlook on the Web, then restart Outlook and refresh your browser.
•    When asked to link your account, click "Sign in with another account." Use your PennO365 credentials, <YourPennKey> and your PennO365 password.


•    FindTime website
•    How-to
•    Support
•    Knowledge base