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KnowledgeLink now supports the use of UPHS credentials on March 9, 2021

Affected service(s): Knowledge Link, LinkedIn Learning

Start date: 03/09/2021


Starting March 9th, Health System users will be able to login to Knowledge Link using their UPHS credentials or their university PennKey. The university’s WebLogin team has developed a specific PennKey login page just for Knowledge Link that grants access using UPHS usernames and passwords.

 **Users who need a PennKey to access other resources (e.g. Workday, the library, or Canvas) will still need to login with their PennKey when they click to access those items**

Though we don’t anticipate any major issues, you may have documentation or directions you need to update about logging into KnowledgeLink so we wanted you all to be alerted. We are also reaching out to your local IT support and the IS service desk at UPHS to make sure all IT personnel are aware.


Are there any other changes to PennKey passwords or login procedures?

No, this change will not affect anyone’s login credentials or access with their PennKey. PennKey folks will login as normal.


Are PennKeys still going to be created for UPHS users?

Yes, there are no business process changes. We are only adding the UPHS credentials as an option for someone who more easily remembers their UPHS password.


Does this mean the UPHS login and PennKey are now interchangeable?

No. UPHS credentials can only be substituted for a PennKey when someone is logging into Knowledge Link.


How does this affect LinkedIn Learning?

The UPHS credentials substitute for PennKey logins with Knowledge Link and LinkedIn Learning courses launched from Knowledge Link only. Users will still be prompted to login with their PennKeys from the ISC LinkedIn Learning service page or direct course links. Also, if they have connected their personal LinkedIn account to their Penn LinkedIn Learning account, they will still be prompted to login with their LinkedIn credentials even when already authenticated for Penn resources.


Do I have to update any of my links to courses/curricula in KnowledgeLink or any of my bookmarks?

No, the links will stay the same and should prompt users to the same login page as the homepage of Knowledge Link.


If you have questions, comments, or concerns, please contact ISC Client Care at (215) 898-1000,, or